Thursday, June 28, 2007

Visionary and Potential Nobel Peace Laureate, Carlo Petrini

If there is one person who more than any other has tried to synthesize issues surrounding food and the environment for the past twenty years, it is Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food. To get an introduction to his thought, one could read Slow Food Nation, published in English in May 2007 (read Alice Water's article in the Nation, here), or one could listen to this podcast from the book's launch. It was originally published in 2005 by Einaudi as Buono, pulito, e giusto (good, clean, and fair). If you don't have an mp3 player, don't worry, most computers can play podcasts. Just download and double click. One can subscribe to the Ecologist Podcast RSS feed here:
Time Europe profiles Petrini as a European hero of 2004.

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