Monday, June 25, 2007

Affordable Produce

Two people have sent me links about projects designed to make produce both available and affordable in neighborhoods that have not had good access to fresh greens and fruits. One is the New Roots Urban Farm in East Saint Louis, recently written up by Treehugger in a story called, Urban Farm Spreads Its Roots in Impoverished St. Louis Neighborhood. Another reader sent me a link to a project in West Oakland, CA, called City Slicker Farms, whose mission is Growing Affordable Fresh Produce for West Oakland.

NPR also had at least two stories on food and health today. The first,"Child Obesity Concerns Prompt Shift in Food Ads" is about how the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood have gotten Kellogs's attention regarding their marketing of unhealthy breakfast foods to kids. The second is about CSA for meat, "Local Food Co-Ops Go Beyond Greens." Both links will take you to podcasts of the stories.

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